It was 25 years ago (1994) on this date that Victor and I officially became a couple when he moved in to share my home with me. Then, one year later on this date in 1995, he was by my side as I underwent emergency open heart surgery for removal of a tennis-ball sized tumor from inside my heart.
I am in deep gratitude to Dr. Len Saputo for orchestrating the skilled team of surgeons at John Muir Hospital who performed that 5-hour surgery, to the amazing nursing staff who kept watch over me, to Victor who, after the doctors told him that I had little chance of surviving, kept whispering in my ear for five hours following the surgery telling me that it was not time for me to leave, to my daughter Kris and her husband Jeff who stood vigil at the hospital during those tense hours and who made so many phone calls keeping friends and relatives updated, to my friend and business partner, Diamond Trammel who brought food for my family at the hospital and who made calls to all the alternative healers from Reunion Center asking them to send me healing energy, and to my many friends around the country who formed prayer trees that enveloped me within a healing sphere of energy. Thank you all.
It was 20 years ago on this date that Victor and I were married in a private ceremony performed by Unity ministers and dear friends, Revs. Pres and Candy Preston, at their beautiful home on the Kings River. Indeed, July 11 will always be my Day of Gratitude.